
Sunday 20 September 2009

Return of The Boogster?

Dammit, looks like I'm back. I have an archive of old posts up until April 2009. I've found out how to use this import / export thing and so selected old posts (vinyl only) will start to appear here. Non- vinyl will not appear again. Some posts will be revamped, especially those which could do with new LP cover scans. It will be a while before anything new appears as I am still determined to have that much needed rest. I need to re-engage with reality. There is life beyond music, you know!

The blog may go invitation only. I'll warn you in advance. In the meantime enjoy those old posts and the comments too!


  1. Welcome back and know that you were missed. You provide so much to all of us that like the music. You have encouraged me to buy a bunch :) so don't know what some people are thinking by trying to stop the sharing. Many thanks for all the time and energy you have put into your blog... it it so great appreciated. Now, take that much needed rest... it will energize the body and the soul, and will create a yearning for what you love most... music, the blog or not :)

  2. Hi Barbara

    Congratulations on being the first to comment on the new blog. You've confirmed what I've long suspected - responsible sharing leads to more buying of specialist music. I know that to my cost ...

    Thanks for the message.

  3. Don't let the bastids get you down. Some great uploads you've provided and it's been an edumacation for many!

  4. It is with immense sadness that I notice the disappearance of your great, great blog. I've been an R&B fan for 20-odd years and was overjoyed to find here some of the albums I missed when they were commercially available.

    The comments and postings proved to be valuable to augment my knowledge of that fabulous music. Thank you for that and see you elsewhere, maybe?

  5. You've found the new blog, Floyd. Everything's gonna be all right.

  6. Happy to see you back, but get the rest you're looking for.

    Vinyl only will be cooler, still. I'll be looking forward to it.

    Re a comment you made on your good bye post, I'm a musician and have also been dj. I think your blog and others like it are likely to increase sales and interest in real r&b and rock and roll than injure them. Few people are going to buy what they haven't heard. One of the ironies of the music industry is that it put so much music of so many different kinds, from so many different times, a lot of people just don't know where to start.

    As for me, I own thousands of recordings but I also like to hear what other people have and might lead me down a new musical road. I think people in the business misjudge how many serious collectors there are and how much music they *do* buy.

    I want an invite if you go that way, hey!!

  7. Thanks for keepin' on keepin' on...

  8. Welcome back!! Glad you are here again. I don't get by as much as I used to, but it's still a great site!

  9. Fantastic to have you back. Your exquisite taste and generous offerings are so consistently on display.


  10. Welcome back my friend. It's sad to see so many blogspots being closed for whatever reason they are. If you go to the Invite only, I want to be invited. Thanks.

  11. It's great to see you back. Let's rock once again !

  12. Jeepers, it's almost like you were never gone! Welcome back, keep it cool.

  13. Hey Mr. Be Bop Wino,
    Welcome Back!
    Though I have much on rereleases you always had me here for the aroma of them vinyls, plus the rare cover & label scans and the surprise of finding unknown to me gems. Originals in their original format, far beyond than just LP Collections, far away than just CD Releases... That's why I never posted anything. You got it!

    As to Joan, equals you & vice versa!

    May I ask details for "blog may go invitation only". Never been in a blog this way...

    Meanwhile is there any chance for the next extra rarity from Nat "King" Cole?

    Nat King Cole as Lord Calvert member of The Keynoters, Keynote Label, 1946
    Recorded February 16, 1946
    Willie Smith (as); Nat "King" Cole (pn, vcl); Red Callender (b); Jackie Mills (d)

    "King Cole" knows you when you're down & out!

  14. Boy, talk about speedy recoveries.... gone one second and back the next.
    Also I bow in respect that you still have energy to keep it going and rip lp's for our listening pleasure.

  15. Hi Woody,
    Just want to add my name to the list if you ever have to go private.
    The music you post gets no attention from the press or the record companies - when I was a kid my friends and I spent all our time trying to find these records. I'm glad there is a place where people can find out more about the music and the people who made it.
    I'm a musician and I am sure this blog is good for business.

  16. Oh Hey,

    I have been following for a good while;
    what a great blog!
    If you go invite only, please include me!

  17. When is this stupid persecution going to end? I hope everyone knows that there are forces trying to end net neutrality RIGHT NOW. Fight it where you can.
    Sign me up if you go private, please. I like your style.

  18. Thanks everybody! To the Nat "King" Cole fan - sorry I don't have that session on LP, or any other media for that matter. I'll keep my open when I'm searching the second hand record racks in the future ...

    The blog continues, but at a sedate pace ...

  19. Really love your blog, enjoy your well earned rest & thank you very very much for all your hard work.

  20. To the Be Bop Wino... you are a saint and saviour in this suffocating society of heartless sounds. Thank you for ressurecting such jewels and sharing them with us.

    I am an avid music buyer, but there is little hope in the shops and radios of today, to find the soul and swing that were pressed on these old records, thrown out and lost to the overwhelming noise of jingles and chart bleeding ringtones. I was only slowly digging my way through some of your older posts and discovering Smiley Lewis and Buddy Johnson before I was gravely shocked and dismayed at the removal of your site. It is with much relief that I find you persist despite the dreary burden and thankless duty that is your generosity and obvious love for these records.

    I want to thank you and let you know that it's all noticed and loved, and it does make a difference out here in the wilderness. Without a way to share a drink over these cumbersome clicky clacky devices, I can merely send you these words. Cheers.

  21. Cheers Jook. Buddy Johnson is reappearing on the blog and Smiley Lewis should be back in the near future.

    It's an odd kind of situation with this kind of music just now. Far more of it is commercially available than back when I started buying it, yet it's much harder to notice - being buried under the vast mountain of different musics available.

    As Gary Cisco said - few people are going to buy what they haven't heard. I hope that blogs like this one will allow people to hear kinds of music they haven't heard before for free, then they might go on to buy more of it. Going private would end that aspect of the blog, unfortunately. I hope it can stay public.

  22. Please send me an invitation. I have been locked out of so many music blogs that I once enjoyed. I can't bear to lose another one. Thank you for sharing this great music with us.

  23. Most Thanx for answering, though not found.
    Keep on Mr. Be Bop. Greetings.

    "King Cole" knows you when you're down & out!

  24. Hi BW,

    I haven't been cruisin' the music blogs a lot lately, so it was with great shock and sadness I discovered today the old Be Bop Wino was gone.

    So glad I found you again here. Your blog is amazing and I can't thank you enough. Hope you know how much you woulda been missed.

    Get your rest, and thanks again.

  25. Hey Billy!

    Great that you've found the new blog. Which reminds me - I must get that great 2LP set you contributed back up - "The Hunt". It is a superb set.

  26. Hey, Wino, I'm glad you're staying around, not gonna let trolls and slugs keep you down. And the vinyl around here is great stuff, lotsa obscure and out-of-prints, usually pretty cleaned up and in great shape...

    Now, about the non-vinyl stuff you're not going to anybody else going to pick that uo, or are they gone forever?

  27. It's gone from this blog I'm afraid. There were a couple of comments on Uncle Gil's blog which gave links to some archived pages from the old blog -

    you could try _


    even if these downloads of old blog pages are still available, some of the links have been removed by myself.

  28. Thanks...I'll take a look...lotsa great stuff there, and not always easy to stay current. Good luck with the new blog.

  29. Great to find you back up again. In fifty years of buying records, I cannot remember seeing any of the albums you post in any record store. I am from Australia, and even in the sixties I had to import most of the records I wanted. You provide a great service, a much better service than record companies have provided for me. If you do go invite please include me
