
Friday 23 September 2011

Four Years Of Bop And Wine

This weekend marks the fourth anniversary of Be Bop Wino's appearance on the rocking interweb. The first music post (a cassette of Savoy and National movers and groovers) went up on Sunday, the 23rd of September 2007. A couple of years down the line the blog got taken down but reappeared in its current vinyl-only format, which I think is preferable to the old blog. I would like to thank all contributors and collaborators who have done so much to turn Be Bop Wino into something that I never anticipitated it would become when I started it four years ago.

Many thanks to those of you who take the trouble to comment. I've learned a lot from many of those comments. And thanks also to those of you who have corresponded via email over the years. It's been fascinating to hear from fellow bloggers, deejays (both club and radio), musicians from R&B revival bands, record retailers, relatives of the original 1950s musicians, journalists, researchers and fellow enthusiasts.

Here's the Be Bop Wino anniversary playlist. Some of these tracks may still be found somewhere on the blog, but others have been and gone. So for your listening (but not downloading) pleasure we present a round dozen platters from back when R&B was R&B.


  1. A very happy anniversary to you. You have served up great gobs of happiness and I'm grateful.

  2. Congratulations!
    Thanks you for the job

  3. I echo what all others say- Thank u=you so much

  4. Congrats on the 4 years!
    Thanks again for all the rockin tunes.

  5. Congratulations, Boogiewoody. I'm listening to the anniversary playlist. It's great! :)

  6. Happy Anniversary & more power to your blogging elbow!

  7. Let me add my thanks for your dedicated and wonderful work.
    Thank you,

  8. Congratulations and
    Thank You.

  9. Congratulations and for several years!
    Thank you for this wonderful music Boogiewoody that if not for my part would not have access to it.
    Sax Long live the honkers and
    R & B.


    -Argentina-Buenos Aires.

  10. Only just found your blog, but glad I did!!!! Keep up the great work!

  11. One of the Best Sites in the Web !!!
    Thankx 4 all ;-)

  12. Hearty congratulations, my good man and goes without saying: thank you. Here's to many more...


  13. Thank you for the good wishes. Just what I need to keep motivated. I'll keep blogging on ...

  14. You've created a great thing. There's nothing like it for quality, insight, information and fabulous honkin' joy. "Be-Bop Wino" makes the world seem like a sane place where people have their priorities in order. Thanks!

  15. Happy Anniversary, Be Bop Wino! May you happily blog for many years to come. (Hope you received my email.) Marie

  16. "...fellow enthusiasts..." . . . polite speak for musical nuts....!!!

    Ya'd like to think that the colorful "collage" of cool album covers shown above is a selection carefully gathered from deep in the Head Wino's voluminous vintage vinyl vault archives, carefully spread about on a flat surface at BBW World HQs for photographic documentation . . .

    Uhhhh... music nuts can be an odd lot... with a lot of spare time on rainy summer afternoons...(?!)

    Keep be-BOP-pin'!!!

    - B_B

  17. congrats for the big 4 - wow, seems like only yesterday.
    you've been a source of constant aural joy.
    paleese keep up the fab work & thanx for everything!

  18. You and your blog are marvelous. Happy anniversary!!

    - d.

  19. Thank you one and all!

    B_B - sorry to disillusion you, that isn't a carefully spread out collage of LP covers on the Be Bop Wino boardroom table - it's a copy and paste job using Photofiltre.

  20. Boogie -

    Kudos, and thanks, for 4+ years of aural pleasure and weapons grade musical goodness. Keep on keepin' the faith.

    spyder john

  21. Rock on, boogiewoody! And thanks for all the fun.

  22. i love the blog, came across it when researching the cardinals for my own blog.. back when i still used to post music
    thanks for all the stuff, this genre is outside my normal scope of interests to every post is educational for me and goes into a bebop wino playlist
