
Saturday 12 May 2018

The Joan Selects Collection

There have been some requests for re-ups of volumes of Joan Selects. I have therefore updated the Joan Selects page where you can now find working links for Volumes 1 - 20 plus the "Doo Wop Christmas" volume. There are still a few volumes to add as Joan kindly compiled some additional "Encore Appearance" volumes plus "Joan Selects 2017". I hope to add those to the page soon. And then there is the short series "Joan Spins Again" to throw into the mix!

There has been a delay in posting during the last couple of weeks as the Dreaded Lurgie has laid your blogger low. I have arisen from my bed of pain to sort out the Joan Selects links and will now attempt to complete a post which has been in the pipeline for about 10 days. Be patient cats 'n' kittens!

The blog recently passed some kind of milestone when the total page views hit the 3,000,000 mark. I had no idea there were so many people with such good taste on this supposedly benighted planet. When the apocalypse arrives some of us at least will go down swingin'.

Back soon with more of the platters that matter.


  1. Bombshelter Slim12 May 2018 at 15:57

    I seem to recall a second Christmas volume from Joan. Was this an actual post or a figment of my imagination??

  2. I think you may have imagined that Mr Slim. There have been multiple repostings of Joan's Christmas Doo Wop collection which may have caused confusion.


  3. BW: sorry to hear you have been unwell my good man, but glad to hear you are on the mend, just keep topping up with an excellent single malt and you'll be OK.

  4. Cheers Bob. I wonder how many people out there have heard of the Dreaded Lurgie? The worst disease known to humankind. A single malt would probably finish me off so I'll pass on that, as I'm determined to see this year oot.


  5. Many thanks for this most recent re-up.


  6. Don't underestimate your importance. So many of us love this blog. Many thanks and appreciation for your unstinting and stirling work.

  7. Thanks for those very kind words Beemer.

