
Sunday 15 July 2018

Joan Selects Volume 24 - Songs About Food

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Track List

01. Dig This Menu Please! - Red Rodney Sextet
02. Saturday Night Fish Fry - The Blue Dots
03. Fried Chicken & Macaroni - The Fascinators
04. Beans And Corn Bread - Louis Jordan
05. Beans N' Greens - The Nutones
06. Sweet Potato Blues - Lonnie Johnson
07. Peanuts - Little Joe and the Thrillers
08. Peanuts - Rick & The Keens
09. Red Hots And Chili Mac - The Moroccos
10. Shortnin' Bread - The Bell Notes
11. Red Beans And Rice - Bob Mitchell
12. Red Beans And Rice - Kokomo Arnold
13. Fried Chicken - The Marylanders
14. Ham Hocks - Cecil Payne
15. Pizza Pie - Norman Fox & The Rob Roys
16. Monkey Hips And Rice - The "5" Royales
17. Rice, Red Beans And Turnip Greens - Little Richard
18. Hot Dog Dooley Wah - The Pyramids
19. Pass The Biscuits Please - Andre Williams
20. Fat Meat 'n' Greens - Edgar Hayes
21. Peppermint Stick - The El Chords
22. Hot Tamales - The Counts
23. Chicken Necks - The Genies
24. Cherry Pie - Marvin and Johnny
25. One Fried Egg - The Charioteers
26. Hot Pastrami - The Dartells
27. Hot Biscuits And Gravy - Marvin Phillips And The Good Timers
28. Crazy 'Bout Your Cooking - Johnny Otis Band
29. I Like Pie, I Like Cake - The Four Clefs
30. Hart's Bread Boogie - Billy 'Red' Love
31. Ice Cream Baby - The Pearls
32. Crab Louis - The Strangers
33. Eat Your Mush And Hush - Sonny Knight & The Cleeshays
34. Hot Dog - Chris Powell
35. Friday Fish Fry - Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson & His Orchestra
36. Hot Pastrami - Joey Dee and the Starliters
37. Hamburger Hop - Johnny Hicks
38. Hoe Cake, Hominy And Sassafras Tea - The Four Vagabonds
39. Chili Dogs - Dusty Brooks
40. Chittlin' Supper - Peg Leg Howell
41. Chittlins & Rice - Champion Jack Dupree
42. Corn Bread - Hal Singer

What is there to say? A musical feast, nay, a banquet, a blow-out, a frenzied self service buffet where you get to eat all you can, and then you go again. And then it's time for dessert. Forty-two tracks about food, served up by Joan in a fashion guaranteed to set the seasoned R&B fan drooling.

What I like about this collection is the cross genre range of the music. Of course there's plenty of doo wop, but mixed in there's pre-war blues, a hint of hillbilly, hot harmony singing, jumpin' jive, proto soul and a smattering of instrumentals, which serves as a reminder of how many an R&B, Hard Bop, Soul Jazz and Soul instro ended up being named after food. And what food! We're talking American food! OK - Mexican too. Red beans and rice, chile, hamburgers, hot dogs, soul food, stuff to make you fat, fat, fat. Could be another compilation in there.

As usual a few of the cuts are from pretty trashed discs. Andre Williams' plea to "pass the biscuits" just about makes it to the end and Marvin and Johnny's "Cherry Pie" has definitely seen better days, but that's part of the Joan Selects experience. There's a folder of label shots to go with the sounds and there's more detail on the tracks (researched by Joan) below.

So a big thank you to Joan for all her work in puttting this collection together. I've listened to it three times and in my opinion this is one of the very best of "Joan Selects." Now for some reason I've got me a hankering for a burger, fries and a Seven Up, but hold the mayo - I'm on a diet!

Original Release Details

01 Red Rodney Sextet - "Dig This Menu Please!" - Released On: Okeh 4-6899 Release date: 1952

02 The Blue Dots - "Saturday Night Fish Fry" - Released On: Ace 526 Release date: 2/1957

03 The Fascinators - "Fried Chicken & Macaroni" - Released On: Capitol F4247 Release date: 7/1959

04 Louis Jordan - "Beans And Corn Bread" - Released On: Decca 24673 A Release date: 1949

05 The Nutones - "Beans N' Greens" - Released On: Combo 45-127-AA Release date: 1957

06 Lonnie Johnson - "Sweet Potato Blues" - Released On: Okeh 8586 Release date: 1927

07 Little Joe and the Thrillers - "Peanuts" - Released on Okeh 4-7088  Release Date: 1957

08 Rick & The Keens - "Peanuts" - Released On: Smash S-1705 Release date: 1961

09 The Moroccos - "Red Hots And Chili Mac" - Released On: United U-193 Release date: 1956

10 The Bell Notes - "Shortnin' Bread" - Released On: Madison M136 Release date: 1960

11 Bob Mitchell - "Red Beans And Rice" - Released On: Derby 731 Release date: 1949

12 Kokomo Arnold - "Red Beans And Rice" - Released On: Decca 7347 A Release date: 1937

13 The Marylanders -  "Fried Chicken" - Released On: Jubilee 45-5113 Release date: 1953

14 Cecil Payne - "Ham Hocks" - Released On: Decca 48139 Release date: 1950

15 Norman Fox & The Rob Roys - "Pizza Pie" - Released On: Capitol F4128 Release date: 1959

16 The Five Royals - "Monkey Hips and Rice" - Released On: King 45-4744 Release date: 1954

17 Little Richard - "Rice, Red Beans and Turnip Greens" - Released On: Peacock 5-1628 Release date: 1954

18 The Pyramids - "Hot Dog Dooley Wah" - Released On: Shell 45-711 Release date: 1959
19 Andre Williams - "Pass The Biscuits Please" - Released On: Fortune 839x Release date: 1958 

20 Edgar Hayes - "Fat Meat 'n' Greens" (I) - Released On: Exclusive EXC-1339-3 Release date: 1949 

21 The Elchords - "Peppermint Stick" - Released On: Good 544 Release date: 1958 

22 The Counts - "Hot Tamales" - Released On: Dot 45-1199 Release date: 1954 

23 The  Genies - "Chicken Necks" - Unreleased Warwick recording, circa 1960

24 Marvin and Johnny - "Cherry Pie" - Released On: Modern 45x933 Release date: 1954

25 The Charioteers - "One Fried Egg" - Unreleased Josie recording, 1955
26 The Dartells -  "Hot Pastrami" - Released On: Dot 45-16453 Release date: 2/1963

27 Marvin Phillips & Goodtimers- "Hot Biscuits & Gravy" - Released On: Eastman 800 Release date: 1959

28 The Johnny Otis Band - "Crazy 'Bout Your Cooking" - Released On: Exclusive EXC-1299-5 Release date: 1949

29 The Four Clefs - "I Like Pie, I Like Cake" - Released On: Bluebird B-9994-B Release date: 1941

30 Billy Love - "Hart's Bread Boogie" - Released On: Harts Bread H B-66 Release date: 1954

31 The Pearls - "Ice Cream Baby" - Released On: Onyx 511 Release date: 1957

32 The Strangers- "Crab Louis" - Released On: Christy C-45-107-A Release date: 1959

33 Sonny Knight & The Cleeshays- "Eat Your Mush and Hush" - Released On: Eastman ES 787-00 Release date: October 1958

34 Chris Powell - "Hot Dog" - Released On: Columbia 30162 Release date: June 1949

35 Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson & His Orchestra -  "Friday Fish Fry" - Released On: Mercury 8110 Release date: 1947

36 Joey Dee - "Hot Pastrami with Mashed Potatoes Part 1" - Released On: Roulette R-4488 Release date: 1963

37 Johnny Hicks - "Hamburger Hop" - Released On: Columbia 20737 Release date: 1950 

38 The Four Vagabonds - "Hoe Cake, Hominy And Sassafras Tea" - Released On: Apollo 1030 Release date: 1946

39 Dusty Brooks - "Chili Dogs" - Released On: Bullet 346-B Release date: 1951

40 Peg Leg Howell - "Chittlin' Supper" - Released On: Columbia 14426-D Release date: 1929

41 Champion Jack Dupree - "Chitlins and Rice" Released on Apollo 407 Release Date 1948

42 Hal Singer Sextette - "Corn Bread" - Released On: Savoy 671-A Release date: 1948 


  1. Woo Hoo! Thank you very much Joan and Woody.

    Cheers Marlon

  2. Thanks much BW & Joan. More goodies -- just what was needed for a lazy Sunday.

  3. Such a fun theme and a great selection. Thanks Joan and Boogiewoody!

  4. Thank you Joan for another classic comp...unbelievable. Great work with great taste.

  5. Many Thanks to Joan & Woody. Looks like another winner from here. I can't wait to plug this one into my ears.


  6. Big thanks Joan & BW for this latest comp. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but just reading the track list has me drooling.

  7. Hello, I would love to join your blog list. is on my blog list.

  8. Thanks for commenting, everyone. Joan surpassed herself with this collection - it's a cracker!

    Joaquim - Thank you for linking to Be Bop Wino. You've now got your very own section and link on the blog list. As my blog is written in 1962, I've had to install a time travel portal on the link. I just hope that people who use the link won't suffer from culture shock when they see what the future holds.


  9. Many thanks for this Joan Selects Vol. 24

    But What's about Joan Selects Vol. 21 and Joan Selects Vol. 22 that i did not found?

    Thanks from Milan

  10. Hi -

    Joan Selects Encore Appearance Volume 1 is actually Volume 21 and Joan Selects Encore Appearance Volume 2 is Volume 22. And that's according to Joan herself.

    So relax, there are no "missing" volumes!


  11. Joan & Boogiewoody,
    many thanks for delicious comp;
    music and the colourful label scans.
    Together, in a way, more than the ingredients.
    - Jay from the North.
