
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Joan Selects Volume 25 (Planes, Boats, Trains and Things)

01. Rocket 88 - Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats
02. Air Travel - Ray & Bob
03. Buick 59 - The Medallions (Vernon Green)
04. Terraplane Blues - Robert Johnson
05. Freight Train Blues - Lil' Son Jackson
06. Flat Foot Sam - TV Slim & His Heartbreakers
07. Railroad Blues - Cow Cow Davenport
08. Me And My Chauffeur Blues - Memphis Minnie
09. Me and My Chauffeur - Memphis Minnie
10. Flat Tire - The Del Vikings
11. Greyhound - Amos Milburn
12. The Panama Limited - Bukka White
13. Mainliner - Esther Phillips
14. Submarine Races - The Visuals
15. B&O Blues - Big Joe Turner
16. Little Side Car - The Larks
17. The Train Kept A Rollin' - Tiny Bradshaw
18. Cadillac - Bo Diddley
19. Choo Choo - The Cardinals
20. Midnight Special Train - Joe Turner
21. Sea Cruise - Frankie Ford
22. Cadillac Baby - Roy Brown
23. Mister Airplane Man - Howling Wolf
24. Texas & Pacific - Louis Jordan
25. Pink Thunderbird - Gene Vincent
26. Candy Apple Red Impala - Little E and the Mello-Tone Three
27. Cadillac Boogie - Jimmy Liggins
28. Boogie Woogie Choo Choo - Mabel Scott
29. Black and White Thunderbird - The Delicates
30. B & O Blues No. 2 - (take 2) - Blind Willie McTell
31. Bad Motorcycle - The Storey Sisters
32. Flat Foot Sam - Oscar Wills
33. Hot Rod Lincoln - Charlie Ryan and the Livingston Brothers
34. Hot Rod Race - Arkie Shibley
35. Maybellene - Chuck Berry
36. Hot Rod Race - Ramblin' Jimmy Nolan
37. Motorcycle - Tico & The Triumphs
38. Louis' Oldsmobile Song - Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five
39. Off Shore - The Cardinals
40. Memphis Train - Dick Davis
41. Automobile - Lightnin' Hopkins
42. My Ship - The Hummingbirds
43. I Got A New Car - Big Boy Groves
44. Airplane Blues - Sleepy John Estes
45. Oh! Oh! Get Out Of The Car - Richard Berry
46. 219 Train - The Moonglows
47. Motor Head Baby - Chuck Higgins and his Mellotones
48. V-8 Baby - Tommy Brown
49. Mystery Train - Little Junior's Blue Flames
50. Hobo Bill's Last Ride - Jimmy Rodgers
51. Hydramatic Woman - Joe Hill Louis
52. Stick Shift - The Duals
53. Pink Cadillac - Sammy Masters
54. Train Whistle Blues - The Montereys
55. Hardtop Race - George Stogner
56. South Bound Train - Big Bill Broonzy
57. Side Car Cycle - Charlie Ryan & The Timberline Riders
58. The Traffic Song - Joe Lutcher
59. Drive Daddy Drive - Little Sylvia (Vanderpool)
60. Woo Woo Train - The Valentines
61. Cadillac Funeral - Peppermint Harris
62. Route 66 - King Cole
63. Roll Hot Rod Roll - Oscar McLollie and Honeyjumpers
64. There Goes That Train - The Trebleaires
65. Drunk Driver's Coming - Richard Brothers
66. V-8 Ford - Willie Love And His Three Aces
67. Too Many Drivers - Smiley Lewis
68. There Goes That Train - Rollie McGill
69. Let's Go For A Ride - The Collegians
70. Corvette - The Corvettes
71. Down The Road - Smiley Lewis
72. $19.50 Bus - The Five Crowns
73. Down The Road - The Cadillacs
74. Night Train - Jimmy Forrest

Great googa mooga! Joan comes up with a mega compilation on the theme of getting yourself from A to B and back again by train, plane, ship, motorcycle, bus, automobile or even taking part in a hillbilly hot rod race. Mixing '50s doo wop, pre-World War II blues, R&B shouters, rockabilly, boogie woogie, jump blues, real country, and rock'n'roll, Volume 25 is a wild ride. Joan has also provided a folder of label shots plus track details as listed below.

This is a bigger than usual download - 284.1 MB, but as connoisseurs of fine wine say - "it demands attention." Perhaps the best "Joan Selects" to date?

The Tracks:

01 Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats - "Rocket 88" - Released On: Chess 1458 Release date: March 1951

02 Ray & Bob - "Air Travel" - Released On: Ledo 45-302 Release date: June 1962

03 The Medallions - "Buick 59" - Released On: Dootone 347-A-45 Release date: June 1954

04 Robert Johnson - "Terraplane Blues" - Released On: Vocalion 03416 Release date: November 23, 1936

05 Lil Son Jackson - "Freight Train Blues" - Released On: Imperial 45-5229 Release date: 1953

06 TV Slim - "Flat Foot Sam" - Released On: Clif 103 / Checker 870 Release date: 1957

07 Cow Cow Davenport -  "Railroad Blues" - Released On: Decca 7462 B Release date: April 1938

08 Memphis Minnie - "Me And My Chauffeur Blues" - Released On: Okeh 06288 Release date:  May 1941

09 Memphis Minnie - "Me And My Chauffeur" - Released On: Checker 771 Release date: July 1952

10 The Del Vikings - "Flat Tire" - Released On: Mercury 71390X45 Release date: December 1958

11 Amos Milburn - "Greyhound" - Released On: Aladdin 45-3150 Release date: 1952

12 Bukka White - "The Panama Limited" - Released On: Victor BVE-59996 Release date: 5/26/1930

13 Esther Phillips  - "Mainliner" - Released On: Federal 45-12100 Release date: September 1952

14 The Visuals - "Submarine Races" - Released On: Poplar 115 Release date: November 1962

15 Big Joe Turner - "B&O Blues" - Released On: Down Beat 152 Release date: May 1949

16 The Larks - "Little Side Car" - Released On: Apollo 429-45 Release date: August 1951

17 Tiny Bradshaw - "The Train Kept A Rollin'" - Released On: King 45-4497-AA Release date: July 1951

18 Bo Diddley - "Cadillac" - Released On: Checker LP 2977 "Bo Diddley Is A Gunslinger" Release date: 1961

19 The Cardinals "Choo Choo" - Released On: Atlantic 45-1090 Release date: April 1956

20 Joe Turner - "Midnight Special Train" - Released On: Atlantic 45-1122 Release date: December 1956

21 Frankie Ford - "Sea Cruise" - Released On: Ace 554 Release date: December 1958

22 Roy Brown - "Cadillac Baby" - Released On: Deluxe 3308-A Release date: September 1950
23 Howling Wolf - "Mister Airplane Man" - Released On: Chess 1735 Release date: July 1959

24 Louis Jordan - "Texas & Pacific" - Released On: Decca 23810 A Release date: January 26 1947

25 Gene Vincent - "Pink Thunderbird" - Released On: Capitol LP T811 "Gene Vincent And His Blue Caps Release date: March 1957

26 Little E and the Mello-Tone Three - "Candy Apple Red Impala" - Released On: Falco F-302 Release date: 1961

27 Jimmy Liggins - "Cadillac Boogie" - Released On: Specialty SP 521 A Release date: 1948

28 Mabel Scott - "Boogie Woogie Choo Choo" - Released On: Coral 65063 Release date: September 1951

29 The Delicates - "Black and White Thunderbird" - Released On: Unart UP 2017 Release date: June 1959

30 Blind Willie McTell - "B & O Blues No. 2 - (take 2)" - Released On: Vocalion 02568-A Release date: 21 September 1933

31 The Storey Sisters - "Bad Motorcycle" - Released On: Peak 5001 (as The Twinkles) / Cameo C-126-A Release date: January 1958

32 Oscar Wills - "Flat Foot Sam" - Released On: Argo 5277 Release date: August 1957

33 Charlie Ryan with the Livingston Brothers - "Hot Rod Lincoln" - Originally Released On: Souvenir SOUV-101-A Release date: May 1955

34 Arkie Shibley - "Hot Rod Race" - Released On: Gilt-Edge 45-MD-101 / Mt Dew 45-MD-101 Release date: November 1950

35 Chuck Berry - "Maybelline" - Released on: Chess 1604 Release Date: July 1955

36 Ramblin' Jimmie Dolan - "Hot Rod Race" - Released On: Capitol F1322  Release date: December 1950

37 Tico & The Triumphs - "Motorcycle" - Released On: Amy 835 / Madison 169 Release date: December 1961

38 Louis Jordan - "Louis' Oldsmobile Song" - Released On: Decca Records Release date: 1944

39 The Cardinals - "Off Shore" - Released On: Atlantic 45-1090 Release date: April 1956

40 Dick Davis - "Memphis Train" - Released On: Miracle M-107 Release date: January 1947

41 Lightning Hopkins - "Automobile" - Released On: Gold Star 666-A Release date: 1949

42 The Hummingbirds - "My Ship" - Released On: Cannon 45-4600-V Release date: February 1962

43 Big Boy Groves - "I Got A New Car" - Released On: Spark 45x114 Release date: 1954

44 Sleepy John Estes - "Airplane Blues" - Released On: Decca 7354 A Release date: September 1937

45 Richard Berry - "Oh! Oh! Get Out Of The Car" - Released On: Flair 45-1054 Release date: February 1955

46 The Moonglows - "219 Train" - Released On: Chance CH-1161 Release date: 1954

47 Chuck Higgins & his Mellotones - "Motor Head Baby" - Released On: Combo 45-12-B Release date: 1952

48 Tommy Brown - "V-8 Baby" - Released On: Savoy 813-A Release date: 1951
49 Little Juniors Blue Flames - "Mystery Train" - Released On: Sun 192 Release date: November 1, 1953

50 Jimmy Rodgers - "Hobo Bill's Last Ride" - Released On: Victor 22421-A Release date: August 1930

51 Joe Hill Louis - "Hydramatic Woman" - Released On: Big Town 45-H-401 Release date: May 1953

52 The Duals - "Stick Shift" - Released On: Star Revue 1031 Release Date: June 1961

53 Sammy Masters - "Pink Cadillac" - Released On: 4-Star 1695-45 Release date: April 1956

54 The Montereys - "Train Whistle Blues" - Released On: Nestor N15 B Release date: June 1956

55 George Stogner - "Hardtop Race" - Released On: Rockin' 522 Release date: November 1953

56 Big Bill Broonzy - "South Bound Train" - Released On: Mercury 70039-45 Release date: December 1952

57 Charlie Ryan & The Timberline Riders - "Side Car Cycle" - Released On 4-Star 1745x45 Release Date: 1960

58 Joe Lutcher - "The Traffic Song" - Released On: Specialty SP 304 A Release date: 1948

59 Little Sylvia - "Drive Daddy Drive" - Released On: Jubilee 45-5093 Release date: 1952

60 The Valentines - "Woo Woo Train" - Released On: Rama RR-196 Release date: April 1956
61 Peppermint Harris - "Cadillac Funeral" - Released On: Cash 1003A Release date: March 1955

62 Nat King Cole - "Route 66" - Released On: Capitol 256 Release date: 1946

63 Oscar McLollie - "Roll Hot Rod Roll" - Released On: Modern 45x970   Release date: October 1955

64 The Trebleaires - "There Goes That Train" - Released On: Nestor N16-A Release date: 1955

65 Richard Brothers - "Drunk Driver's Coming" - Released On: Strate 8 1500 Release date: 1959

66 Willie Love and His Three Aces - "V-8 Ford" - Released On:Trumpet No 175 Release date: December 1, 1951

67 Smiley Lewis - "Too Many Drivers" - Released On: Imperial X5316 Release date: October 1954

68 Rollie McGill - "There Goes That Train" - Released On: Piney 104 / Mercury 70582-X45 Release date: 1954

69 The Collegians - "Let's Go For A Ride" - Released On: X-Tra 108-A Release Date: 1957

70 The Corvettes - "Corvette" - Released On Corvette C-1000 Release Date: July 1058

71 Smiley Lewis - "Down The Road" - Released On: Imperial 45-5268 Release date: January 1954

72 The Five Crowns - "$19.50 Bus" - Released On Rainbow 45-154 Release Date: 1952

73 The Cadillacs - "Down The Road" - Released On Josie 45-778 Release Date: 1955

74 Jimmy Forrest - "Night Train" - Released On: United 110 Release date: March 1952

Thanks for all your hard work in putting this latest volume together, Joan!


  1. Hooray! It's always a thrill when I see her?your cover pop up in the feed.

    Thank you Joan and Woody!

    Cheers Marlon

  2. Looks like another Outstanding offering. Can't wait to hear it. Thanks (Again!) Joan for putting it together and Woody for sending it our way. it appears Joan has filled my dance card for about the next three hours. I'm OK with that.


  3. Many thanks for this one BW & Joan. Looks like some superb tracks in this lot, I haven't had a close look yet but will work my way through this lot over the next couple days.

  4. just to thank you 4 the Music - Aussie

  5. WOW! What an amazing collection this is! Thanks Joan & BW.
