
Monday 20 January 2020

Little Willie John - Sure Things (King LP 739)

Side 1:
01) Sleep
02) A Cottage For Sale
03) There's A Difference
04) I'm Sorry
05) My Love - Is
06) I Like To See My Baby

Side 2:
01) Walk Slow
02) The Very Thought Of You
03) Heartbreak (It's Hurtin' Me)
04) Loving Care
05) You Hurt Me
06) I'm Shakin'

...And Be Bop Wino returns. Happy New Year my little blues 'n' rhythm chums. Now that was a bit of an unexpected break for which I must apologise. There were reasons, however. Firstly, I caught some kind of  'flu / tummy bug which laid me low in the two weeks leading up to Christmas. Secondly, I blew my speakers when I sent a bunch of feedback through them while experimenting with connecting my turntable directly to my laptop via USB, and thirdly, my digitising software (Magix Audio Cleaning Lab) went haywire, making it very difficult to convert vinyl to WAV. I don't think I've ever been so close to chucking this blogging lark as I was during those weeks.

BUT - new speakers have been purchased and I now realise I haven't been hearing my music properly for years. New software is now in place, although the different interface takes a bit of getting used to. Oh yes and the shivers and sweats have subsided so I'm good to go again. Most importantly I'm getting a taste for the music again, so stand by for more rockin' and  jazzy R&B sounds coming your way.

There's now a backlog of stuff to upload - more reconstitutions from Marv, a couple of wild, wild blues / R&B LPs from Charlie B which just came in today, and a massive edition of Joan Selects. And of course there's my own stuff, so we're gonna be busy around here for a while. So busy, in fact, that there will now be a change to the blog. The majority of posts will just be the music with a minimal write up. I may do the occasional "special" but time is tight so let's just get the music out there.

As for requests during my absence for re-ups, etc, I'll do my best to deal with them.

The first offering is from Marv and features Little Willie John whom I am pretty certain has barely featured on the blog. This King compilation was issued in February 1961 and consists mainly of singles released in 1959 / 1960. "I Like To See My Baby" a duet with Hank Ballard wasn't released as a single.

 The Cash Box, 2nd February 1961

With thanks to Marv.


  1. Good to have you back and a belated happy new year. Cheers, Cove

  2. Thank goodness you're back -- I was worried for your well-being and my music supply. Hope you stay well now.

    Little Willie John LP a fine birthday present for me. Some lovely tracks on here that I don't have on CD.

    "chucking this blogging lark"?! Don't SAY things like that! Good to hear that having blown and replaced your speakers, things sound better than before. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good, as they apparently used to say.

  3. Thanks for this one BW. Welcome back, and all the best for 2020. I wondered where you were, sorry to hear you were unwell and had equipment troubles, but glad to hear that all is well again. Looking forward to the goodies that you'll be posting in the near future.

    I'm currently in Perth, Australia enjoying the summer. Great weather, food and beer but shitty internet. Best I can get for now are the $ a gig data deals with Vodafone - a 40 gig a month for $40, 50 gig for $50, and slower speeds than I'm used to. Consequently I need to pass on many of the larger downloads posted on many of the music blogs, the big flac files and folders with numerous albums packed in. Fortunately no such problems here at Be Bop Wino.

    Oh well, come May I return to Thailand and have unlimited data and faster speeds and can d/l to my heart's content.

  4. Welcome back, and thanks for the Willie J.
    I'm all for more music, but please don't abandon the write-ups. The background is wonderful and makes you a contender for Best Curated Music Blog.

  5. Cheers everyone. Good to be back. I'll stick with mp3s on the blog and they won't always be in the highest of bitrates. Sticking with old school.

  6. Hi anonymous, I'll still write some shorter than usual scene setting intros to the posts and I hope to feature the occasional "special" with more in depth background info. It's just that time constraints mean that I can't do every post in the same amount of detail.

    Thanks for saying I'm a contender for Best Curated Music Blog! It's good to know that the effort is appreciated.

    Cheers BW

  7. Welcome back, BW. I'm glad that you are feeling better. Thank you and Marv for this great LP.
